


ajoutez la trompette! - Lehnen, International Brasscontrols
Audite - Sampler 2006controls
Audite - Sampler 2007controls
Bach and the North German Tradition Vol. 1 - Neucontrols
Bach and the South German Tradition Vol. 2 - Neucontrols
Bartók: Piano Works - Bringuiercontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets 1-16 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 1 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 2 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 3 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 4 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 5 - Quartetto di Cremona / Duttoncontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 6 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 7 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 8 - Quartetto di Cremonacontrols
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 / Schumann: Symphony No. 4 - Furtwänglercontrols
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 - Furtwänglercontrols
Best's Bach - Wiebuschcontrols
Brahms: 2 Clarinet Sonatas, Clarinet Trio - Campbell, Renzi, Meyer, Raclotcontrols
Brahms: Cello Sonatas 1 & 2 - Wick, Devoyoncontrols
Brahms: Chamber music for Clarinet - Ruiz Ferreres, Berner, Ishizaka, Mandelring Quartettcontrols
Brahms: Piano Trios 1-3 - Trio Testorecontrols
Bruckner: Symphony No. 3 - Kubelikcontrols
Christ lag in Todesbanden - Stroblcontrols

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