Ludwig van Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 4 in A minor, Op. 23
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King International HMSA-0020/22
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Faust, Melnikov
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Lyrinx LYR2267
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Galoustov, Sageman
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Gramola 99106
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Irnberger, Korstick
Sony Music SICC-19081
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Maehashi, Mardirossian
Universal (Japan) UCGG-9166/8
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Menuhin, Kempff
Warner Music (Japan) WPCS-13839
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Midori, Thibaudet
Universal (Japan) UCGD-9059
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Oistrakh, Oborin
Tower Universal Vintage PROC-2420
Deutsche Grammophon 4838459
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - Schneiderhan, Seemann
Challenge Classics CC 72650
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-10 - van Keulen, Minnaar
BIS BIS-2517
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas 1-4 - Zimmermann, Helmchen
Fonè 224 SACD
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Fontec FOCD-9622
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