Carmen Fantasy - Watanabe, Eguchi
Avex-classics AVCL-25197
Chiaroscuro: Works for Clarinet and Piano - Cardona, Colom
Eudora Records EUD-SACD-2105
Libertad: The Will to Freedom - Muñoz, Butt
Ars Produktion ARS 38 338
Schumann (Robert, Clara): Works for Oboe and Piano - van den Hauwe, Eynden
Etcetera KTC 5252
Shadows - Meseguer, Mora
Eudora Records EUD-SACD-2204
The Circle of Robert Schumann - Schaumann, Hammer
Capriccio C5040
Widmung - Sournatcheva, Shaikin
MDG Recital 903 2073-6
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