Beethoven: Piano Sonatas 27-29 - Richter
Praga Digitals Reminiscences PRD/DSD 350 065
Mono Hybrid
Classical - Instrumental
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 27 in E minor, Op. 90; Piano Sonataa No. 28 in A major, Op. 101; Piano Sonata No. 29 in B flat major, Op. 106 "Hammerklavier"
Sviatoslav Richter
A legendary 'Hammerklavier' from the genius of Richter; who reduced the audience to holding their collective breath, to avoid missing the last largo evolving into an irresistible allegro risoluto. Live recordings: June 2 1965 [No. 27]; May 18 1986 [No. 28]; June 1975 [Hammerklavier] reissued from PR254022 authorised by Richter in 1996.
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Live recordings from June 2, 1965 (Op. 90 - mono), May 18, 1986 (Op. 101), and June 1975 (Op. 106).
Reissued from Praga PRD 254 022 CDM authorized by S. Richter in 1996.
DSD mastering from original tapes and editing: Kare Soukenik.
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